Saturday, October 2, 2010

Obama is an anticolonialist.

Great forbes article here:

D' Souza' book  is going to be added to my collection here ASAP.

Glenn Beck also did two shows on this earlier this week.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Glad to see you are all keeping up appearances!

Cuda is now 60 pounds of pup, still growing at 7 months old. what a lardass!
we have two kitties:



The bird recieving her graduation certificate from CNA school! State exam is the end of Oct.

Other news:
I am now working for Marshall Health and Rehab, Director of Sales and Marketing. Eventually my goal is to be an RN but I will probably stay in the Administrative/management area. I love Geriatrics!

sorry I have been so long in posting anything its been manic!
love you all...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Got GRADES!!!!

My GPA is 3.5 I have three A's one C so far.. let me tell you about the C.

The class I got a C in was because the teacher said my grammar was not correct. In fact, the class I got one of my A's in was Grammar and English. This teacher would post in-complete sentences, run ons, spelling mistakes and she said my grammar was bad? I complained to the councellor about the fact that she didnt seem to know what she was doing. Wether she got wind of this I do not know but I got a C.

I have tried to have the grade changed but to no avail. Suppose thats life...

Life is good a chez Rose.

I sent him this, to make him get down here faster!
Alas, he is still on USCG time frame until end of June anway..

Mr Bird comes down for a weeks leave on the 23rd!! I am still job hunting, college course is going well. House is behaving itself.  we have a new addition to our family. The furry sort. Cuda is three months old now, is half Catahoula Cur, half Great Pyranees. He keeps my sanity, and is great company.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Just so you know...

I am now down in Florida, house is great but it has its issues, faulty wiring in the loft nearly caused a fire, but crisis over. Its lonely down here! Mr Bird wont be down until end of April for leave, then for good in June. Time is going slowly.  no work yet.. degree online is going well due to the fact that there is nothing else to do!

I joined the church just down the street and I am singing in the choir!  There is one other english lady in town, what are the odds of that??? Shes very nice, and has been around for tea a few times.. also, Im miffed there is no really good tea bags down here, its all iced tea, sweet tea, and grits coming out the wazoo... I have had to order some online.

Hope you are all good!
Love, Bird.

What are we going to do about THIS???

what a @#$# outrage! Kick em all out, build a wall and arm the #$%$ thing!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Here is the link for the company where I designed this bumper sticker. They will print one or a hundred or more.

There is no copyrite on this feel free to use it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The SCOTT that was heard around the world!!!!

Well done Senator Brown! What a great win, and I hope the momentum continues through this year and on into 2012. I have just finished listening to Coakleys defeat speech. She said something about "channeling your inner Ted." LOL!  I bet somewhere Teddy has found a bottle of Chivas and is three sheets to the wind.

love you guys..